Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Datta - Suchitra Sen, Soumitra Chatterjee

The film brings alive not only the sweet romance but also the bengal of that era, the innocence of social life and of rural, the revolution of thoughts in progress, ...

Sharatchandra, the famous great author of this, was rather keen like more than one author of Bengali literature then and later, about exploring the dilemma of young women brought up in the then still new Brahmosamaj with its modern thinking and adapting much from the world, including education of females and comparatively modern attire, coming in contact when grown up with traditional society and falling in love with their old roots that the parents had sought to leave behind, usually all this wrapped up around a young man the said woman finds attractive and goes forth to marry, with much travail including discarding the alternative option usually picked by the parent, a suitable modern young man of wealth and education.

In this one, though, the nice twist revealed towards the end makes it all that much more sweeter.


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