Thursday, August 30, 2018

A Raaga, Words, Invocation and more

Gaansaraswati Kishori Amonkar - Sahela Re (Raag Bhoop) ~

One of those rare compositions where words to the Raaga are not only not irrelevant or at odds, but more than go with the spirit of the Raaga, and in fact take it further for the listeners' comprehension of the spirit of the Raaga, of being able to flow with it. Bhoop is an early morning Raaga, of having risen before Dawn and it being still cool of before sunrise, light still soft and brightening. The composition here takes it incredibly further, of opening an invocation of mind, body and Spirit to unity with the Divine, using words that invite one's Mate to join together in Divine notes of invocation, of souls uniting to rise to heavens. This is in spirit of Soul and Energy union, of music at level of pure Yoga in sense of Soul Union with Divine.

To those who are feeling, as evidenced by the various posts below the video, that great talents of Indian music are gone and there is no replacing them - please do hear the children on various shows! True, the great of yore are gone, as are most of our grandparents, but India overflows with talent and music is very alive too. And this is true of most parts of India. Here are some names.

Children on voice kids India 2016 were impressive, Nishtha Sharma most but others were close behind, and you can get an idea on the internet. Misimi Bose, Vishwaprasad, Priyanshi, are a few names, but those that were out at some stage or other were very good too, numbering some fifty of the sixty in auditions.

Pooja Insa on voice kids 2016 impressed as did Jassu Khan Mir on Z, for double reason. Ridipta, Kaavyaa, Yumna, Pravasthi Attaluri, I can go on with names.

Of those outed there, some ten or more auditioned for Z TV Saregamapa, and some six or so we're selected, and three are still going strong. Well deserved too.

Mythili Thakur on rising star was, is, incredible, match for Nishtha Sharma and so perhaps is Shanmukhapriya who is now on Z TV Saregamapa, having lost votes on voice kids. Superb, all. Rising star had also Ankita and Vikramjeet, and Nikita, very good.

Of slightly older, young adults, three on voice India 2016 were as great as the Supremes mentioned. There is Mohammad Danish, by the way he is grandson of a maestro of yore, but very good. Niyam Kanungo matches him, as does Sharayu Date.

All of these are young, from say ten to early twenties - and then the wonder child Jayas Kumar, just six. He is merely beginning to learn as far as music goes, remember when hearing him on Z TV Saregamapa. If you aren't charmed out of your mind and lost your heart, do have a check up![0]=68.ARC3S4rZHHgL601gesWW8mPL03_hMdYZOz_5S5cE4OrlnN4bd_zbiU7MaDEchOLKjJMEWstd9FEaOzRzMhUA6aqCY5h1THe0QL_md4YJ3g5SpZKjr8PYMvDZgXRedsR667qOsYs&__tn__=FC-R

To those of us not quite so familiar with the technical factors, it's the feel that tells one the difference - the very word Raaga connoting feeling, mood - and the subtle difference of the two is a bit akin to a blissful dhyaana of Pooriyaa versus a severe vairaagie samaadhi of Maarwaa. Sohni of course is the call of koel at spring, urgent call for its mate!


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